Notes--October 29; Act 1 Scenes D to I

Notes for Act 1 Scenes D through I:
For everyone: Please learn your lines and their timing. And watch your entrances. I know this is the first time that we are doing scenes consecutively, all the more reason to be following along in your script to make sure you are backstage at least 1/2 page before your entrance.
Regarding props: The props have all been set and places determined for them. Take a good look backstage before we start rehearsal tomorrow, so you know exactly where you will find your props and where they need to be returned to after you leave the stage.
From rehearsal:
Katie: We need to make sure your apron is tied very tightly so you aren't fussing with it during the scenes.
Madelyn S.: When you and Gabby enter and march across to Katie and then stop to deliver your lines, please make sure you are cheating out. Do not stop exactly even with Gabby or she disappears behind you.
Austin: I know you won't forget the apothecary bag again. Also please remember the situation demands an immediate response. You need to hurry to the academy. You were much too chill on your approach.
Natalee and Casey: You need to remember to cheat out when you are on the staircase. Some of the time Casey is standing almost full back to the audience. Remember to pick a specific place to look for that "ideal princess" so Katie and Caitlyn have a place to look at.
I LOVED the scene with Caitlyn and Casey trying to not look at each other as they stand so awkwardly together. You nailed it!
Natalee, you still need to slow your lines down. But your varied intonations are great.
The merchant entrances are really good, but you all need to learn your lines and the cues better. The timing is still off and the scene looks stiff because you are all looking around wondering who is supposed to speak next.

The Real Princess and the Pea